St Mary’s School


26 Mary St
Northampton WA 6535
PO Box 138
(08) 9934 1112


St Mary's School



School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council is responsible to the Conference of Bishops through the Catholic Education Commission of WA for planning and for the financial management of the School.

The overall role of the School Advisory Council is to help the school fulfil its educational responsibilities in accordance with the constitution, the policies and practices of the Catholic Education Commission of WA and the diocesan guidelines.

Community members of the School Advisory Council are elected at the Annual School Community Meeting held in February each year. The Council members at the first School Advisory Council meeting following the Annual School Community Meeting elect Office Bearers.

Office Bearers elected for 2023 are:

Chairperson – Ruth Warr
Secretary – Bridie Teakle
Treasurer – Naomi Simpson
Board Members – Colleen Drage, Fletcher Williams, Grace Williams, Anthony Jupp
Ex Offico – Father Larry Rodillas (Parish Priest) & Brett Love (Principal)