St Mary’s School


26 Mary St
Northampton WA 6535
PO Box 138
(08) 9934 1112


St Mary's School




Morning Prayer & Class Liturgies

Throughout each term, the school community celebrates with Morning Prayer and Class Liturgies. We welcome parents, carers and friends to celebrate these liturgical occasions with us. These events will be advertised in the school newsletter. 


Assemblies & Merit Presentations

Assemblies are held regularly throughout the term. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend the assemblies as they are an important community-building activity and an opportunity for our students to showcase their performing talents. During these assemblies, students are presented with Merit Awards from their classroom teachers.


Eucharistic Masses

Masses will be held throughout each Term. Please watch the newsletter for details.

Holy Days, Special Feast Days, Family Masses and special Sunday Masses appear on the calendar. The newsletter also informs you of such occasions. Sacramental celebrations and programs are also highlighted.

Parents and carers are most welcome and encouraged to attend on all of these occasions.


Specialist Areas

In 2023 the following specialist areas will be offered at St Mary’s School:

  • Physical Education
  • Health
  • The Arts
  • Italian



A number of teams represent St Mary’s School in various inter-school programmes. These include events during our Summer and Winter sports programs. There are annual swimming and athletics carnivals.

The focus of the sports program is on participation and skill development rather than competition.

All students must wear the school sports uniform on the day indicated in the school newsletter unless a note accompanies your child giving reasons for this not being the case.

Children must wear the correct school uniform when representing the school. During school faction carnivals a coloured shirt will be supplied for each child to wear on the day.

For weekly sports days, the children are to wear their sports uniform.