St Mary’s School


26 Mary St
Northampton WA 6535
PO Box 138
(08) 9934 1112


St Mary's School



Religious Education and Faith Formation

Nano Nagle, foundress of the Presentation Sisters order, evoked the essence of what St Mary’s School stands for when she stated, “Not words but deeds”.

Through our Religious Education curriculum and Sacramental Program, we aim to promote integrated personal development which encourages students to develop into Christian men and women who have learned to serve and be responsible for themselves and others.

The Religious Education units of work are mandated by the Bishops of W.A. The units of work are grouped under three major themes, which focus upon how children can reflect God who is Creator, Mystery and Trinity.

All our teaching staff are accredited to teach Religious Education and undergo regular renewal in this area. Pre-Primary and Year One devote about 15 minutes per day to formal religion lessons while classes from Year Two to Year Six have lessons lasting approximately 30 minutes.

Integrating faith, life and culture for the students is the cornerstone of what we do at St Mary’s School. To that end, our faith beliefs are integrated into all areas of the daily life at St Mary’s.

Please find a copy of the St Mary’s School Evangelisation Plan here.